INSERT Errors using vertica docker image
Vertica Customer ✭
Hi, I am using the vertica-docker image and access Vertica using the jdbc-driver with DBVisualizer or C# Vertica.Data package. I can create an example table with
CREATE TABLE Persons (PersonID int, LastName varchar(255), FirstName varchar(255), Address varchar(255), City varchar(255));
The table is created in the schema public. However, when I try to insert data using
INSERT INTO TABLE public.Persons VALUES(1, 'Max', 'Muster', 'Street_1', 'Berlin');
I get an error : [Code: 4856, SQL State: 42601] [Vertica]VJDBC ERROR: Syntax error at or near "TABLE"
Any idea? Thanks!
Best Answers
DaveT Vertica Employee EmployeeI assume you mean you downloaded the virtual image. As for the INSERT statement remove the word “TABLE”. That is not part of the INSERT syntax.5