Eon Mode pricing
Is Eon Mode cost still based on data stored on the database from Vertica's end? Is there any cost for Vertica for compute?
Migrating your Vertica Cluster to the Cloud
@SumeetAgrawal @Chris_Daly_HPE
Is Eon Mode cost still based on data stored on the database from Vertica's end? Is there any cost for Vertica for compute?
Migrating your Vertica Cluster to the Cloud
@SumeetAgrawal @Chris_Daly_HPE
Vertica Eon mode is at another mode of operations and coast based pricing structures have remained unchanged. Vertica License can be used for running database in Enterprise and Eon mode. Vertica has introduced additional skus for licensing like pay by hour etc to take advantage of cloud economics. Please speak to you account manager for more details.
The short answer is yes – unless you license Vertica by-node, which is a different pricing model. Although, it sounds like you are referring to the by raw TB pricing model.
Eon mode and Enterprise mode are just modes within Vertica, and Vertica pricing applies the same to any mode of Vertica.
Vertica has 2 pricing models:
1. By raw data size (aka per TB)
2. By physical nodes
If you buy a per-node license then you pay for those nodes and run Vertica on them (this allows unlimited amounts of data) but your compute is limited to the nodes you bought.
Or if you buy capacity (by TB) then you are limited to that # of raw TB’s but can use as many nodes as needed which will give you more compute power (but adding physical nodes is a separate cost outside of Vertica).
We also want to highlight that licenses are portable and can be moved around or split and run hybrid.
We encourage you to contact your account manager to discuss pricing further so that all details of your specific case are considered and addressed.
Thank you!