Combining flattened table and Live Aggregate Projections for denormalized table with aggregates?

Regarding flattened table and Live Aggregate Projections, is it possible to combine these two techniques in order to produce denormalized table with aggregates?

Question from The shortest path to Vertica: Best practices for data warehouse migration & ETL
@marcothesane @Maurizio


  • ybeiybei Employee

    yes, that's the feature we supported in 9.2, allowing FT refresh_columns run on LAP. In 9.2.1 we support partition-based refresh_columns on FT. In 9.3 we supported partition-based refresh_columns on FT with LAP.
    In general, we attempt to extend FT/LAP capability every release. I can dig up more history if needed.

  • marcothesanemarcothesane - Select Field - Administrator

    We are actually doing this very thing in an important PoC that is running in Spain as we speak. And the results are very impressive.

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