How does the built-in Vertica load balancer work with sub-clusters?
How does the built-in Vertica load balancer work with sub-clusters? Will it round-robin only for the nodes within the sub-cluster?
Asked during the BDC session A Deep Dive into the Vertica Management Console Enhancements and Roadmap
@nataliaS @bhavik_gandhi
Load-balancing with Subclusters works very similar to load-balancing with Fault Froups. When load balance group is created using the 'WITH SUBCLUSTER ' argument, the nodes in that Subcluster will participate in the process. And yes, round-robin is the default mode, but can be changed if desired. Please note, that as with Fault Groups, you must create network addresses on the nodes in the subcluster that you want to be part of the load balance group.
Here is the example of the syntax:
Please see more in Vertica Documentation: load balance group