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What Deep Learning frameworks are supported for prediction inside Vertica? TensorFlow 2.0? Others? — Vertica Forum

What Deep Learning frameworks are supported for prediction inside Vertica? TensorFlow 2.0? Others?

emichaudemichaud Vertica Employee Employee
edited April 2020 in General Discussion

Are other Deep Learning frameworks supported for prediction inside Vertica? (Tensorflow 2.0, Pytorch, MxNet, etc.)
Asked during BDC session Tapping Vertica’s Integration with TensorFlow for Advanced Machine Learning.


  • emichaudemichaud Vertica Employee Employee

    Vertica can only support up to a specific TensorFlow version (1.15.0) because a C library for TensorFlow 2.x.x (the newest TF major version) does not exist yet.

  • glarionovglarionov Vertica Employee Employee

    According to TensorFlow documentation, all 1.x.x models should be supported by the version that we run (1.15.0), but we cannot guarantee this since we did not write the TensorFlow library. Other frameworks such as PyTorch, MxNet, etc are not currently supported.

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