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Can we increase the shard count when reviving? — Vertica Forum

Can we increase the shard count when reviving?

At the time of revive database , the node count and shard count should be same. Is it possible to use this functionality for changing shard count ?
e.g : having 6 node and 6 shards and at the time of revive 6 node and 12 shards ?
Any suggestion for doing this ?

Question asked at the 2020 Big Data Conference presentation Sizing and Configuring Vertica in Eon Mode for Different Use Cases given by @skeswani and @skamat .


  • skeswaniskeswani - Select Field - Employee

    Shard count cannot be changed once the database has been created

  • Bryan_HBryan_H Vertica Employee Administrator

    The only currently allowed way to do this would be to export data and schema, create a new 12-shard cluster, then import the schema and data.

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