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What happens if the supplied query file only uses 10 tables of 100 in a schema? — Vertica Forum

What happens if the supplied query file only uses 10 tables of 100 in a schema?

If a schema includes 100 tables, the supplied query file only uses only 10 tables. Will DBD exclude the remaining 90 tables from the design, or ignore them?


  • JoeGonzalezVertDBAJoeGonzalezVertDBA Vertica Customer

    It depends on the options you pick. You can choose between a comprehensive or incremental design. If you choose comprehensive, it will supply suggested projections for all tables in a schema. If you already have projections on your tables and data loaded and are looking to get suggestions for better or query-specific projections, select incremental design. This option will then only suggest projection designs for the tables involved in the supplied queries.

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