Using MC to add Eon subcluster nodes with different instance type
Vertica Customer
Is there a way to use Management Console to add new instances to an Eon cluster, but with an instance type different from the primary subcluster? I want to have subclusters with different instance types to isolate workloads, and manage compute costs. E.g.
- default subcluster (primary): Three r5.4xlarge instances
- analytics subcluster (secondary): Three r5.8xlarge instances
When I try to add instances to the cluster through MC it does not give me option to select a different instance type from default subcluster (option is greyed out). Reviewing documentation makes me think I will have to go through laborious process of adding instances manually from EC2 console with an AMI then adding them to the cluster as a new subcluster (via admintools). I feel like MC should be able to streamline this, maybe I missed something.
Vertica Eon 9.3.1-3
MC 9.3.1-2
When you revive the Eon Mode Database in MC there is an option to choose instance types for the cluster.
I'm not looking to revive an Eon database and that doesn't really accomplish what I am asking. I want to add a new subcluster with different instance types than the primary on a running cluster.