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to_date function returns wrong result — Vertica Forum

to_date function returns wrong result

I expect vertica returns error when converting to date from wrong/incomplete string
select to_date('1230','yymmdd')

which doesn't make any sense. We expect incorrect date to fail to convert.
Same query in oracle correctly gives an error (not a valid month / input value not long enough for dateformat)

I found that it actually might be a feature rather than a bug,

Is there a way how to disable this 'lenient '/unpredictable feature?



  • Bryan_HBryan_H Vertica Employee Administrator

    This is actually expected because we emulate Postgres-SQL. The calculation is that '1230' are assumed to be the year 'yy' and month 'mm' portions; '30' is an illegal month, so we convert by rolling forward 24 months leaving 6 as the remainder. I've no idea why it's day 5 though.
    The same result is obtained from Vertica and Postgres engines:
    Vertica (10.0.0-0)
    dbadmin=> select to_date('1230','yymmdd');


    (1 row)
    psql (9.2.24)
    postgres=# select to_date('1230','yymmdd');


    (1 row)
    However, I couldn't work out a way to suppress this behavior in Vertica. The "FM" and "FX" modifiers suggested don't appear to apply here. You could open a ticket if you have access to support, but it is likely quicker to validate inputs using the date-time functions native to the client (unless using vsql or manual entry).

  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely - Select Field - Administrator

    Maybe add in your own constraints?


    dbadmin=> SELECT to_date('1230','yymmdd'), to_date(CASE WHEN length('1230') < length('yymmdd') THEN NULL ELSE '1230' END, 'yymmdd');
      to_date   | to_date
     2014-06-05 |
    (1 row)
  • thanks

    i will open ticket i guess,

    there should be a choice of strict enforcement, similar to type conversion with exclamation mark

  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely - Select Field - Administrator
    edited May 2020

    Vertica was born from PostGreSQL and we inherited the TO_DATE functionality.

    In versions of PostGreSQL 9.x and below, their documentation warned:

    to_timestamp and to_date exist to handle input formats that cannot be converted by simple casting. These functions interpret input liberally, with minimal error checking. While they produce valid output, the conversion can yield unexpected results. For example, input to these functions is not restricted by normal ranges, thus to_date('20096040','YYYYMMDD') returns 2014-01-17 rather than causing an error. Casting does not have this behavior.

    See: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/functions-formatting.html

    We see this in Vertica:

    dbadmin=> SELECT version();
     Vertica Analytic Database v10.0.0-0
    (1 row)
    dbadmin=> SELECT to_date('20096040','YYYYMMDD');
    (1 row)

    But it looks like PostSreSQL fixed this issue in their verison 10 release and they removed the above warning from their documentation

    See: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/10/release-10.html

    In particular:

    Make to_timestamp() and to_date() reject out-of-range input fields (Artur Zakirov)
    For example, previously to_date('2009-06-40','YYYY-MM-DD') was accepted and returned 2009-07-10. It will now generate an error.

    In Vertica 10 we still get this oddball result:

    dbadmin=> SELECT version();
     Vertica Analytic Database v10.0.0-0
    (1 row)
    dbadmin=> SELECT to_date('2009-06-40','YYYY-MM-DD');
    (1 row)

    That being said, please open a support case. Feel free to include the above info in the case description.

    When you do, can you please email the case number? I will be sure to tie your case to the Jira ticket.

    My email is james.knicely@microfocus.com


  • moshegmosheg Vertica Employee Administrator

    For the meantime can this help?

       AS BEGIN
         RETURN TO_DATE(CASE WHEN LENGTH(x) < LENGTH(dformat) THEN THROW_ERROR('to_date() reject out-of-range input:(' || x || ')') ELSE x END, dformat);
    SELECT MY_TO_DATE('1230','yymmdd');
    vsql:create_function.sql:6: ERROR 7137:  USER GENERATED ERROR: to_date() reject out-of-range input:(1230)
  • Three years on, this is still an issue in Vertica 10.x but it was mentioned here that is has been resolved in postgresql. Any plans to change the to_date function to throw an error when the date string is not a valid date? (Example: Return error for to_date('20230431','YYYYMMDD') since April 31 is not a valid date instead of returning valid date 2023-05-01 and assuming you must have wanted the day after April 30.) Thanks!

  • Bryan_HBryan_H Vertica Employee Administrator

    There are no plans to fix this behavior currently, though this should be noted as a "known issue" in release notes or elsewhere in the documentation, so I will check for that. A more complex but more complete workaround would be a Python UDScalar "to_date_pg" and "to_timestamp_pg" using datetime.strptime, which shows the expected behavior, but uses different pattern syntax:
    >>> datetime.strptime("20200431","%Y%m%d");
    ValueError: day is out of range for month
    >>> datetime.strptime("1230","%Y%m%d");
    ValueError: time data '1230' does not match format '%Y%m%d'

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