empty table after shutdown one of cluster nodes
Hello. I have a cluster from 3 nodes. There is a table mytable. There are some records in the table. This records are displayed correctly with select * from mytable;
I shutdown one of cluster nodes and table mytable becomes empty. Why is that?
Is this k-safe cluster?
Run the below query to check segment_expression
select * from projections where projection_name ilike '%mytable%';
Can you also export the table definition
select export_objects('', 'mytable');
Yes, I have k-safe cluster.
Below is the output of the command
select * from projections where projection_name ilike '%my%';
But when I run
select * from my;
I get empty table
test=> select * from my;
(No rows)
When your query, initially, showed 'some' rows:
Were you logged in with VSQL, and had you inserted the rows in the same transaction?
If you insert a bunch of rows into a table using VSQL, and you don't commit before logging off, these rows will disappear.
If you commit, however, the new rows will immediately become visible to everyone - and I can-t imagine a situation where they would go away just because of a database restart ...
Let me demo what I explain above:
I start VSQL, create a table, then I insert 3 rows. A SELECT * FROM that table will return 3 rows.
Then, I log off without committing.
When I log in again , and again SELECT * FROM that table, the table is empty.
$ vsql
Welcome to vsql, the Vertica Analytic Database interactive terminal.
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sbx=> create table ins (id int, name varchar(32));
sbx=> insert into ins select 1,'arthur' union all select 2,'ford' union all select 3,'trillian';
(1 row)
sbx=> select * from ins;
id | name
1 | arthur
2 | ford
3 | trillian
(3 rows)
sbx=> \q
gessnerm@gessnerm-HP-ZBook-15-G3:~/1/Vertica/supp$ vsql
Welcome to vsql, the Vertica Analytic Database interactive terminal.
Type: \h or \? for help with vsql commands
\g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
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sbx=> select * from ins;
id | name
(0 rows)
@aleksss55, follow the suggestion provided by marcothesane. If it's still have a problem can you log a case with support. In the case provide detail information with example like how you inserting the data to the table? Are you using copy, insert commit etc..