Facing the below error
Hello team,
A customer is facing the error below and would like to know the reason for causing the error below. Please kindly assist.
[root@iZbp1ad4m1v829ewg2nuacZ ~]# /opt/vertica/sbin/install_vertica -s xxx.xx.xxx.46 --rpm vertica-10.0.0-0.x86_64.RHEL6.rpm
Vertica Analytic Database 10.0.0-0 Installation Tool
Validating options...
Mapping hostnames in --hosts (-s) to addresses...
Error: A cluster exists but does not match the provided --hosts
xxx.xx.xxx.46 in --hosts but not in cluster. in cluster but not in --hosts.
Hint: omit --hosts for existing clusters. To change a cluster use --add-hosts or --remove-hosts.
Installation FAILED with errors.
Installation stopped before any changes were made.
Best Answers
Bryan_H Vertica Employee Administrator
Since there are no databases defined in admintools.conf, the following should work (tested on AWS):
sudo /opt/vertica/sbin/install_vertica -s '' --clean --rpm 'vertica-10.0.0-0.x86_64.RHEL6.rpm' --dba-user dbadmin
Note that --clean option will remove all host and node definitions and replace with new hosts listed with -s4 -
LenoyJ - Select Field - Employee
@Bryan_H said:
Since there are no databases defined in admintools.conf, the following should work (tested on AWS):
sudo /opt/vertica/sbin/install_vertica -s '' --clean --rpm 'vertica-10.0.0-0.x86_64.RHEL6.rpm' --dba-user dbadmin
Note that --clean option will remove all host and node definitions and replace with new hosts listed with -sDon't forget ‑‑point-to-point flag since this is a cloud environment.
sudo /opt/vertica/sbin/install_vertica -s --clean --rpm vertica-10.0.0-0.x86_64.RHEL6.rpm --dba-user dbadmin ‑‑point-to-point
As from the message you have shared there is a Hint: omit --hosts for existing clusters. To change a cluster use --add-hosts or --remove-hosts. Instead of install_vertica can you try --add-hosts ? If it's still fail share the admintools.conf (/opt/vertica/conf) and also share the install.log.
Hello Mimmi,
thanks for the reply.
Customer tried to add hosts but it's still failed. Here is required admintools.conf:
(note:OS: centos6.9, Vertica Community Edition 10.0)
[root@iZbp1ad4m1v829ewg2nuacZ config]# cat admintools.conf
format = 3
install_opts = -s '' --rpm 'vertica-10.0.0-0.x86_64.RHEL6.rpm' --dba-user dbadmin
default_base = /home/dbadmin
controlmode = broadcast
controlsubnet = default
spreadlog = False
last_port = 5433
tmp_dir = /tmp
ipv6 = False
atdebug = False
atgui_default_license = False
unreachable_host_caching = True
aws_metadata_conn_timeout = 2
rebalance_shards_timeout = 36000
database_state_change_poll_timeout = 21600
wait_for_shutdown_timeout = 3600
pexpect_verbose_logging = False
sync_catalog_retries = 2000
admintools_config_version = 109
hosts =
node0001 =,/home/dbadmin,/home/dbadmin
ssh_user =
ssh_ident =
ssh_options = -oConnectTimeout=30 -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=15 -o ServerAliveCountMax=2 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes
awsendpoint = null
awsregion = null
And install.log:
[root@iZbp1ad4m1v829ewg2nuacZ ~]# /opt/vertica/sbin/install_vertica --add-hosts --rpm vertica-10.0.0-0.x86_64.RHEL6.rpm
Vertica Analytic Database 10.0.0-0 Installation Tool
Mapping hostnames in --add-hosts (-A) to addresses...
Error: Existing single-node localhost (loopback) cluster cannot be expanded
Hint: Move cluster to external address first. See online documentation.
Installation FAILED with errors.
Installation stopped before any changes were made.
Thanks again.
There are additional information just provided by customer. He deployed vertica on Ali Cloud server with IP
And error would happen when install_vertica on designated hosts xxx.xx.xxx.46 as follows like we mentioned before:
[root@iZbp1ad4m1v829ewg2nuacZ ~]# /opt/vertica/sbin/install_vertica --hosts xxx.xx.xxx.46 --rpm vertica-10.0.0-0.x86_64.RHEL6.rpm
Vertica Analytic Database 10.0.0-0 Installation Tool
Mapping hostnames in --hosts (-s) to addresses...
Error: A cluster exists but does not match the provided --hosts
xxx.xx.xxx.46 in --hosts but not in cluster. in cluster but not in --hosts.
Hint: omit --hosts for existing clusters. To change a cluster use --add-hosts or --remove-hosts.
Installation FAILED with errors.
Installation stopped before any changes were made.
Thanks for your support and let me know if you need additional information.
Thanks Byan and Lenoy, installation issue is fixed.
However, customer is facing some issues when build EON mode database as below:
[dbadmin@iZbp1ad4m1v829ewg2nuacZ ~]$ admintools -t list_host
[dbadmin@iZbp1ad4m1v829ewg2nuacZ ~]$ admintools -t create_db -x auth_params.conf -s '' -d VMart -p 123 --depot-path=/home/dbadmin/depot --shard-count=2 --communal-storage-location=oss://xxxxx-bucket -D /home/dbadmin/data/ -c /home/dbadmin/catalog/ --depot-size 10G
Database with 1 or 2 nodes cannot be k-safe and it may lose data if it crashes
Distributing changes to cluster.
Creating database VMart
Bootstrap on host xxx.xx.xxx.46 return code -6 stdout '' stderr ''
Error: Bootstrap on hostxxx.xx.xxx. return code -6 stdout '' stderr ''
Thanks in advance
oss:// URI is not supported yet. Please set up S3 compatibility and endpoint as documented at https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/doc-detail/64919.html?spm=a2c5t.11065259.1996646101.searchclickresult.2c434c0d8ByRNe