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[Vertica][VJDBC](100024) IOException while communicating with server: java.io.EOFException — Vertica Forum

[Vertica][VJDBC](100024) IOException while communicating with server: java.io.EOFException

We are trying to copy data from kafka to flex table using :
COPY temp.flex SOURCE KafkaSource(stream='xyz', duration=interval '1000 milliseconds') PARSER KafkaJSONParser(flatten_arrays = false, flatten_maps = false);
& then we merge the flex table into temp tables.

While doing so, We are facing the following error :
[Vertica]VJDBC IOException while communicating with server: java.io.EOFException.

We tried modifying various configs, but in vain.
Can anyone help with his?



  • Bryan_HBryan_H Vertica Employee Administrator

    What version of Vertica and Kafka do you have?
    Are there any logs in Kafka or in Vertica (vertica.log specifically) that show any other errors or possible root cause such as an upstream exception, out of resources, socket closed, etc.?

  • bharat_pidikitibharat_pidikiti Vertica Customer
    edited June 2020

    Hi Bryan,
    Vertica - 9.1
    Kafka - (Scala 2.11)

    From Vertica logs:

    vertica.log-20200601.gz:2020-06-01 01:22:58.707 Init Session:0x7f030b7fe700-b000000cbe88d4 @node0002: 55V03/5157: Unavailable: [Txn 0xb000000cbe88d4] O lock table - timeout error Timed out O locking Table:temp.flex. I held by [user verticauser (COPY temp.flex SOURCE KafkaSource(stream='temp.flex|1|-3,temp.flex|2|-3,temp.flex|3|-3,temp.flex|4|-3,temp.flex|0|-3', brokers='****:9092', duration=interval '1000 milliseconds') PARSER KafkaJSONParser(flatten_arrays = false, flatten_maps = false);)]. Your current transaction isolation level is SERIALIZABLE

    Upon further looking at the sessions, found that the copy command session is not closed since 9 days...

    verticauser=> select * from v_monitor.sessions order by login_timestamp limit 1;
    -[ RECORD 1 ]--------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    node_name | node0002
    user_name | verticauser
    client_hostname | ****:53160
    client_pid | 6
    login_timestamp | 2020-05-31 03:03:24.13073+00
    session_id | node0002-379274:0x28b07
    idle_session_timeout |
    grace_period |
    client_label | jdbc-09.02.0000-c3d34be5-17bb-4e2f-99d5-258db56061d3
    transaction_start | 2020-05-31 20:29:26.351612+00
    transaction_id | 49539596114782512
    transaction_description | user verticauser (COPY temp.flex SOURCE KafkaSource(stream='temp.flex|1|-3,temp.flex|2|-3,temp.flex|3|-3,temp.flex|4|-3,temp.flex|0|-3', brokers='****:9092', duration=interval '1000 milliseconds') PARSER KafkaJSONParser(flatten_arrays = false, flatten_maps = false);)
    statement_start | 2020-05-31 20:29:26.363663+00
    statement_id | 1
    last_statement_duration_us | 11149
    runtime_priority | MEDIUM
    current_statement | COPY temp.flex SOURCE KafkaSource(stream='temp.flex|1|-3,temp.flex|2|-3,temp.flex|3|-3,temp.flex|4|-3,temp.flex|0|-3', brokers='****:9092', duration=interval '1000 milliseconds') PARSER KafkaJSONParser(flatten_arrays = false, flatten_maps = false);
    last_statement | CREATE FLEX TABLE IF NOT EXISTS temp.flex();
    ssl_state | None
    authentication_method | Password
    client_type | JDBC Driver
    client_version | 09.02.0000
    client_os | Linux 4.15.0-1082-azure amd64
    client_os_user_name | root
    client_authentication_name | default: Password
    client_authentication | 0
    requested_protocol | 3.8
    effective_protocol | 3.8
    external_memory_kb | 0

  • sahil_kumarsahil_kumar Vertica Employee Employee

    Please open a support case with following info-

    A)Regarding Error 100024 it is a Network Error an error emitted by the Vertica JDBC driver.
    Is there any kind of firewall you are using that might be blocking you?

    B)For the long running/hung copy which you have mentioned-

    a)Tables that are useful here to identify-
    1)Sessions table
    2)Locks table

    Sample queries-
    1)select statement_start, node_name, left(current_statement,50) from sessions where current_statement ilike '%kafkasource%'order by statement_start desc;
    2)SELECT locks.request_timestamp, locks.grant_timestamp,locks.lock_mode, locks.lock_scope, object_name, substr(locks.transaction_description, 1, 300) AS "left" FROM v_monitor.locks WHERE request_timestamp < sysdate - interval '6 minute' AND object_name not ilike '%.stream_lock' ORDER by request_timestamp;

    b)Get Vstacks at the time of hung so that we can match from step A.

    Enable Below logging and collect scrutnize -
    Enable udx logging in vertica as below, till you get the next hung session.

    dbadmin=> select set_debug_log_allnodes('UDX','ALL');


    Turned Debug ON for UDX
    (1 row)

    2) update kafka_conf ‘debug=all’ in source , launch ,cluster and sync tools as below(this will be helpful if we are testing through scheduler ):
    a)vkconfig source --update --source test --cluster test_cluster --kafka_conf 'debug=all' --conf ./test.conf
    b)vkconfig launch --kafka_conf 'debug=all' --conf ./test.conf &
    c)vkconfig sync --kafka_conf 'debug=all' --conf ./test.conf
    d)vkconfig cluster --update --cluster kafkacluster --kafka_conf 'debug=all' --validation-type WAR

  • bharat_pidikitibharat_pidikiti Vertica Customer

    I have opened a support case for the same.

    Meanwhile, one observation that we made during EOFException :
    From Vertica logs :
    2020-06-10 00:02:01.664 Init Session:0x7f0667bfd700-b000000d368c59 [EE] <INFO> SortManager found maxMerges 2 too small(64 MB Assigned). 2020-06-10 00:02:01.664 Init Session:0x7f0667bfd700-b000000d368c59 [EE] <INFO> After disabling optimization, maxMerges becomes 15. 2020-06-10 00:02:01.790 Init Session:0x7f0667bfd700-b000000d368c59 [EE] <INFO> SortManager found maxMerges 2 too small(64 MB Assigned). 2020-06-10 00:02:01.790 Init Session:0x7f0667bfd700-b000000d368c59 [EE] <INFO> After disabling optimization, maxMerges becomes 15. 2020-06-10 00:02:01.834 Init Session:0x7f0667bfd700-b000000d368c59 [EE] <INFO> SortManager found maxMerges 2 too small(64 MB Assigned). 2020-06-10 00:02:01.834 Init Session:0x7f0667bfd700-b000000d368c59 [EE] <INFO> After disabling optimization, maxMerges becomes 15. 2020-06-10 00:02:01.877 Init Session:0x7f0667bfd700-b000000d368c59 [EE] <INFO> SortManager found maxMerges 2 too small(64 MB Assigned). 2020-06-10 00:02:01.877 Init Session:0x7f0667bfd700-b000000d368c59 [EE] <INFO> After disabling optimization, maxMerges becomes 15. 2020-06-10 00:24:29.373 Init Session:0x7f0667bfd700-b000000d368c59 <LOG> @v_vymo_node0002: 08006/2907: Could not send data to client: No such file or directory 2020-06-10 00:24:29.373 Init Session:0x7f0667bfd700-b000000d368c59 <FATAL> @v_vymo_node0002: 08006/2607: Client has disconnected

  • sahil_kumarsahil_kumar Vertica Employee Employee
    Can you tell me the case number which you opened?
  • bharat_pidikitibharat_pidikiti Vertica Customer

    Case no: SD02708675

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