THANKS FOR HELP~ Unable to establish vsql script connection: Unable to connect to 'VMart'

when I start run command admintools -t create_db .... to create an EON mode database for a cluster with three nodes, I got this new error as below.
someone can explain this reason or how to fix the error would be appreciate it.

Starting Vertica on all nodes. Please wait, databases with a large catalog may take a while to initialize.
Node Status: v_vmart7_s3_node0001: (DOWN) v_vmart7_s3_node0002: (DOWN) v_vmart7_s3_node0003: (DOWN)
Node Status: v_vmart7_s3_node0001: (DOWN) v_vmart7_s3_node0002: (DOWN) v_vmart7_s3_node0003: (DOWN)
Node Status: v_vmart7_s3_node0001: (DOWN) v_vmart7_s3_node0002: (DOWN) v_vmart7_s3_node0003: (DOWN)
Node Status: v_vmart7_s3_node0001: (DOWN) v_vmart7_s3_node0002: (DOWN) v_vmart7_s3_node0003: (DOWN)
Node Status: v_vmart7_s3_node0001: (DOWN) v_vmart7_s3_node0002: (DOWN) v_vmart7_s3_node0003: (DOWN)
Node Status: v_vmart7_s3_node0001: (DOWN) v_vmart7_s3_node0002: (DOWN) v_vmart7_s3_node0003: (DOWN)
Node Status: v_vmart7_s3_node0001: (DOWN) v_vmart7_s3_node0002: (DOWN) v_vmart7_s3_node0003: (DOWN)
Node Status: v_vmart7_s3_node0001: (DOWN) v_vmart7_s3_node0002: (DOWN) v_vmart7_s3_node0003: (DOWN)
Node Status: v_vmart7_s3_node0001: (DOWN) v_vmart7_s3_node0002: (DOWN) v_vmart7_s3_node0003: (DOWN)
Node Status: v_vmart7_s3_node0001: (DOWN) v_vmart7_s3_node0002: (DOWN) v_vmart7_s3_node0003: (DOWN)
It is suggested that you continue waiting.
Do you want to continue waiting? (yes/no) [yes] no
ERROR: Not all nodes came up, but not all down. Run scrutinize.
Unable to establish vsql script connection: Unable to connect to 'VMart7_s3'
Unable to establish client-server connection: Unable to connect to 'VMart7_s3'
Unable to create depot storage locations (if Eon) without a client-server connection.
Unable to rebalance shards (if Eon) without a client-server connection.
Unable to set K-safety value without a client-server connection.
Unable to install default extension packages without a vsql script connection
Unable to sync database catalog (if Eon) without a client-server connection.
Database creation SQL tasks included one or more failures (see above).
Database VMart7_s3 created successfully, some nodes may have had startup problems.

thanks for your attention.
if you need any message about this please let me know.


  • @shang, check for errors in dblog and admintools-root log. Also the error says to run scrutinize, check what it says.

  • @shang Can you open a support case for this if you are still not able to create the DB on EON cluster.
    The error message you have shared is misleading
    Database VMart7_s3 created successfully, some nodes may have had startup problems.
    Can you check if DB got created ?

  • @shang Would it be possible to share the bootstrap-catalog.log , vertica.log and admintools.log from the initiator node. Once we have log we can look into and try to find why DB not getting created on EON cluster.

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