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Can you put a vertica host in hot-backup mode ? (quiesce) — Vertica Forum

Can you put a vertica host in hot-backup mode ? (quiesce)

vcmirkovcmirko Vertica Customer

we have a customer that would like to backup his vertica databases with our netapp snapshot technology. We basicly are able to capture the database files as a whole within a few seconds. Typically databases like sql, mysql, oracle, etc... allow to put the host in hot-backup mode or quiesce mode. The host would then temporarily freeze, flush memory to disks. We take a snapshot withing a second. and then request the host to unquiesce and proceed to normal. Any client would just have a freeze of a few seconds and a full backup would have been taken. Additionally, if the database uses log-files, a snapshot of the log files can also be taken. would vertica be able to do this ? with an api, a script, cli, ... ?


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