Scrutinize is throwing Fatal Error

I want to scrutinize the vertica cluster. when i run command /opt/vertica/bin/scrutinize
. i get following error
Scrutinize Version 8.1.1-27
Using default temporary directory
/tmpInvocation information
Vertica Scrutinize Report
Result Dir: /home/dbadmin/VerticaScrutinize.20200623142812
User: dbadmin
Database: VDB
Warning: The target db is running, but it cannot
be reached. Common causes of this are:
- Incorrect passord
- Running an all-node scrutinize from a down node
when the db is up
If you intend to run without connecting to the db,
please use --vsql-off.
Latest VSQL Error:
vsql: FATAL 3781: Invalid username or password
Failed to initialize Scrutinize.
Cannot connect to running database 'VDB'
error says "invalid user or pass". when i tried to login into db using vsql -d VDB -u dbadmin -w dbadminpass
i successful logged in. and can run sql commands.
another way i tried to scrutinize like /opt/vertica/bin/scrutinize -d VDB -U dbadmin -w dbadminpass
, following error popped up.
Invoking worker on dbadminpass
Scrutinize Version 8.1.1-27
Running all tasks
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/vertica/bin/scrutinize", line 144, in
File "/opt/vertica/bin/scrutinize", line 41, in main
File "/opt/vertica/oss/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vertica/tools/Scrutinize/", line 35, in init
File "/opt/vertica/oss/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vertica/tools/Scrutinize/", line 43, in load_config_file
cfile = open(config_file,'r')
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'dbadminpass'
I could not understand this error. plz guide on this. i also want tables info and dont want to do '--vsql-off'
Best Answer
Jim_Knicely - Select Field - Administrator
Try :
/opt/vertica/bin/scrutinize -d OSSA -U dbadmin -P dbadminpass
Note: If you run this command you will see the options avaiable:
/opt/vertica/bin/scrutinize -h
P.S. You are running Vertica 8.1.1? Time to upgrade!
Gone through
/opt/vertica/bin/scrutinize -h
and found that only password argument is required to run scrutinize. No need to specify DB name or User.And yes we are planning to upgrade Vertica.
Thanks and Regards