Is there a way to start vertica-udx-zygote process without restarting the host?
Vertica Employee Employee
Hi All,
Today I see vertica-udx-zygote process is down on node 1. Since it's a production environment, wanted to check if there is anyway to start without restarting the host?
dbadmin=> select * from UDX_FENCED_PROCESSES;
node_name | process_type | session_id | language | max_memory_java_kb | pid | port | status
v_mfiitsmreporting_node0001 | UDxZygoteProcess | | | | 181901 | 54776 | DOWN
v_mfiitsmreporting_node0003 | UDxZygoteProcess | | | | 413198 | 54034 | UP
v_mfiitsmreporting_node0002 | UDxZygoteProcess | | | | 453564 | 57179 | UP
Any suggestions please help
Hi Vinai,
Vertica tries to startup the Zygote process again when the Fenced UDx is called and the Zygote process is down. Please try to run your fenced UDx. Or try to run the below query and see if the Zygote process can be started up.
=> SELECT ST_IsSimple(ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((-1 2,0 3,1 2,1 -2,-1 2))'));