Projection constantly replicating?

We are doing some schema level replication using vbr

I have a projection that is constantly replicating .... ... The "owners" of the underlying table have assured me that this only gets updated on a batch basis - say once or twice a month - yet I see it replicating all the time (i am using a query with sal_storage_id to see this )...

I have searched QUERY_REQUESTS and cannot find inserts or updates or deletes other than that expected (as mentioned this is done once/twice a month in a batch) ......I therefore have no idea as to why this large projection is constantly replicating.......

Presumably vbr is "thinking" the object has changed and so needs to replicate......


  • @Joseph, in your case you should go with object level replication against schema level, where you can leave out the objects that are part of batch process.

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