Is there a way to set queuetimeout at query or session level?
I am trying to limit how long a query runs. So I set SESSION RUNTIMECAP. This works when there is no queue. But if my query enters the queue - it seems like the time it spends in the queue is not considered part of the RUNTIMECAP calculation. Is there a way on a session or query level to limit how long a query is allowed to be in the queue? Or is the only way to do this by defining a separate resource pool with a low (or 0) setting for QUEUETIMEOUT?
Best Answer
Jim_Knicely Administrator
The QUEUETIMEOUT parameter is avaiable only at the Resource Pool level. So yeah, simply create a user defined pool with little or no QUEUETIMEOUT and assign that pool as the default pool for any user that you don't want queuing queries.
But I'd be asking mysef why I'd want to do that. Doesn't seem fair as the queued user queries aren't adversily affecting the running queries in the pool.