Why is the error occured?? When I use ALTER VIEW view1 INCLUDE SCHEMA PRIVILEGES;

Why is the message occured?? When I use ALTER VIEW view1 INCLUDE SCHEMA PRIVILEGES;
"View "view" is already set to inherit privileges"
I wanna that view inherit schema's grants list and I expect that the grantee list is inherited to view
I guess you have already enabled Schema Inheritance.
if the view inherit privilege of schema ,why is the view doesn't have grantee in grants table?
I have a question. If the view inherit the schema's privilege.
Why is the view don't have grantee list in grants table??
You can see the following description about GRANTS table.
For inherited privileges information, please check INHERITING_OBJECTS and INHERITED_PRIVILEGES table.
Oh I see,,
By the way, Is it possible inherit schema's privileges to sequence??
If is it can't, why is sequence can't inherit schema's privileges?
(It is very inconvenient to assign permissions for each user to the sequence.)
Please check the following comment.