How to drop the projection in this error case??
Vertica Customer ✭
The error message is this.
"SQL Error [4455] [55006]: [Vertica]VJDBC ROLLBACK: Projection products_image_DBD_1_rep_wshop_prod_srch2 cannot be dropped because K-safety would be violated
[Vertica][VJDBC]Detail: Current K-safety value = 1"
I guess products_image_DBD_1_rep_wshop_prod_srch2 is a buddy projection.
If so, you can drop the projection by using the projection base name you specified when creating that projection.
@Hibiki Unfortunately.. In this case, the projection_basename and projection_name is same,,,
Look at this screen shot plz
How to solve this problem? T T
You are using DBeaver, right? Please show me the screenshot of Text view, not Grid view.
How did you create this projection? Can you show me the DDL for it?
Yes,, this is text view screen shot
and this is DDL
CREATE PROJECTION products_image_DBD_1_rep_wshop_prod_srch2 /+createtype(D)/
product_id ENCODING AUTO
SELECT product_id
FROM [schema].products_image
ORDER BY product_id
select refresh('newbiz_product_dev.products_image');
I can drop the unsegmented projection without any error.
Can you try to drop it by specifying the schema name?
Yeah, I'm trying to drop by specifying the schema name, and I can see the above error message , T _ T
something different thing you and I is I'm trying to refresh the table.
Which version are you using now?
Can you provide the DDLs associated with products_image table? If it is difficult to provide it on User Forum, please send it to me by email.
My version is version
Vertica Analytic Database v10.0.0-2|
and DDL send to you
Thank you for sending the information. I could reproduce your issue. I need time to look into it. If this is urgent, please avoid this issue with the following workaround.
Oh.. that is working thank you.
Even if you are late, leave a comment if the reason is revealed
According to the product documentation, we have to create the unsegmented projection on all nodes. newbiz_product.products_image_pk_v1 projection has been created only on one node. Please change this projection created on all nodes.
I have raised the incident Vertica allowed to create it only on the particular node.
When creating any projections, to specify segmentation on specific nodes has been deprecated in 10.0.1. Please avoid creating the unsegmented projection on the specific node.