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How to use function — Vertica Forum

How to use function

yamakawayamakawa Vertica Customer

Sorry for the rudimentary question.
A user-defined function created by the DB administrator is passed to the
What do I need for general users to use it?

Anyway "alter function myfunction () owner to user;"
It's now available in, but I don't think it's a fundamental solution.

Thank you for your reply.

Best Answer


  • yamakawayamakawa Vertica Customer

    Thank you for an immediate answer.
    Run the following command to make sure that user-defined functions are available to the general user.
    create fuction test_func() return date as begin ...end;
    grant execute on function test_func() to public;
    @general user
    select test_func();
    That's all, thank you.

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