Exploring the options for Vertica Deployment

I am new to Vertica and exploring the ways to deploy Vertica in in AWS.
I am interested to know If I can install Vertica on AWS EC2 (CentOS) instances with EON mode, It would be really helpful if someone can point me to the documentation.

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  • edited October 2020

    Hi Jim,

    Thank you for your response.
    Consider the scenario where I do not have the access to AWS console, but given 4 EC2 instances. How could I install and Launch the Vertica instances (EON) from this? Is there a way to do this?

  • Hi,
    Thank you for the response. I had read that document. I am stuck at the step where launching an EC2 instance.
    Configure EC2 Instances in AWS
    Select the Vertica AMI from the AWS marketplace.
    I do not have access to AWS Marketplace and AWS Console, so is there an alternative for this or only option is to get the access to console+AMI?

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