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SSL Configuration for Kafka Producer — Vertica Forum

SSL Configuration for Kafka Producer

girzibupsegirzibupse Community Edition User
edited October 2020 in General Discussion

I've configured SSL for broker (named kafka1) and producer based on following link: https://www.vertica.com/docs/9.2.x/HTML/Content/Authoring/KafkaIntegrationGuide/TLS-SSL/KafkaTLS-SSLExamplePart3ConfigureKafka.htm).

unlike the broker, the producer hasn't been configured successfully in producer.properties file. Because, there is Kerberos authentication service with following configuration and I can't set security.protocol = SSL as mentioned in above link:


in order to produce data to kafka this command is used: kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list kafka1.sgi.ir:9093 --topic test1kafka1 --producer.config /home/pskafka/kafka_2.12-2.4.0/config/producer.properties. But, due to lack of SSL value in security.protocol parameter, errors are generated.

Finally, The question that I have is how can set ssl in producer.properties configuration file?
An image of producer.properties configuration file has been attached.


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