About super projection Optimization
Use admintools to run Database Designer.
Superprojection optimization performed.
Upon completion of the process, we checked v _ catalog.projections.
A projection with create _ type = 'DELAYED CREATION' existed.
I was expecting all projections to have create _ type = 'DESIGNED'.
Why does a projection for create _ type = 'DELAYED CREATION' exist?
Best Answer
mosheg Vertica Employee Administrator
Before dropping a projection check the following:
1. Removing that specific projection will not hurt queries performance.
2. The projection cannot be the only anchor table's superprojection.
3. You cannot drop a buddy projection if doing so violates system K-safety.
4. Another projection must be available to enforce the same primary or unique key constraint.To create a list of candidate projections for deletion check first which projections were loaded but not queried:
SELECT anchor_table_schema, anchor_table_name ,projection_name ,max(query_start_timestamp) last_loaded FROM projection_usage WHERE io_type = 'output' AND projection_id NOT IN ( SELECT projection_id FROM projection_usage WHERE io_type = 'input' ) AND anchor_table_id in (SELECT anchor_table_id FROM projections WHERE is_segmented group by 1 having count(*) > 2 ) GROUP BY 1,2,3 ORDER BY 1,2,3;
Or check the last time a projection was loaded and queried:
SELECT anchor_table_schema ,anchor_table_name ,projection_name ,max(DECODE(io_type, 'input', query_start_timestamp, NULL)) AS 'last_query' ,max(DECODE(io_type, 'output', query_start_timestamp, NULL)) AS 'last_ load' ,count(DECODE(io_type, 'input', query_start_timestamp, NULL)) AS 'count_query' ,count(DECODE(io_type, 'output', query_start_timestamp, NULL)) AS 'count_load' FROM projection_usage GROUP BY 1,2,3 ORDER BY 4 DESC;
A projection with a create type of “DELAYED CREATION” is an auto-projection,
Probably created when one inserted data into the table when no projection existed yet.
See: https://www.vertica.com/blog/vertica-quick-tip-projection-create-types
Thank you for answer.
A projection with a create type of “DELAYED CREATION” is not super-projection.
(v_catalog.projections.is_super_projection is 'f')
Is it OK to remove them?