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Comparison Between Best: Dewalt DW088K VS Dewalt DW089K: Which One Is Better?

Usually, people who have used multiple laser levels in their professional careers are quite expert in comparing different models to choose the right model or to guide people who are willing to buy laser levels. In this case, if you have used DW088K, and DW089K, or are willing to buy one of them, but after knowing the difference, then here we are to help you out.

If you want to work on commercial applications through the laser level, then you must have searched for the long distance laser level, and today we will tell you about these two amazing models, and differences in their performance. You can learn more about other models at ⫸⫸⫸ . So let’s get started.

Dewalt DW088K VS Dewalt DW089K

Today we are talking about the differences between these models, and now after reading this review, you will be able to choose the right model based on work requirements and which one is easy to use as per your level.


If you can’t afford to keep the device on charging for a long time because you are working on an outdoor project that requires your whole day then both models are reliable. DW088K has 3AA batteries which can last for a whole day no matter if working on a small or big project. Batteries are of great importance when you want to use a laser level non-stop without any disturbance in between.

On the other hand, DW089K has come up with 4AA batteries. It depends on you what type of model you want to use based on the consumption. To improve battery performance, and to enhance its life, stop the device when not in working condition. DW089K consumes battery more as compared to the other model due to efficient performance and quick performance.


Most of the people who are working from one place to another and need to travel with a laser level, portability is a major issue if working with something way too heavy. Both of these models by Dewalt are a bit heavy but portable, and you can always travel with them. You don’t need an extra case to pack them to travel, they can fit in your bag.

The weight of Dewalt DW089K is about 4.19 pounds while DW088K weighs around 1 pound only. You will be able to feel the difference in weight once you lift them both, and it depends on you, which model is comfortable for you. No matter if you are using a lighter model or a heavier one, if you are not cautious while fixing them on the stand, then it may get broken.

Laser Level Beams:

This feature also depends on the kind of work you are willing to attempt by using a laser level. DW088K has come up with two laser lines while DW089K can provide you with the third beam at an angle of 90 degrees. DW089K is the recommended model for all the people who are working on professional sites and need something strong and durable to nail every task.

This model is suitable when you want to work outdoors and more on complex projects. If you are willing to work on an indoor project that doesn’t require much of your struggle then choose 2 beam laser level and keep it simple. Also, the range of both models when you are using the detector is the same and that is 165ft from 50m.


As a beginner, it’s not suitable for anyone to choose something complex for your work because, in the starting, you may spend a whole day understanding this product. When we are talking about the complexity of these two products, then DW089K is quite complex and made for all the workmen who need something tough on the job site.

If you are willing to buy something simple, then go for DW088K which is user-friendly and can help you in managing things easily. If you need something complex, and you can handle settings of laser level like a pro then you can go for DW089K. Both models are IP54 rated and made to stand in tough weather or environmental conditions.

Other than these two models, you can also learn about Top Product Reviews LaserLevelHub to bring advancement and professionalism to your work.


If in the beginning, you are not willing to invest a lot of your money on some product which is quite complex and when you are not sure about the decision of buying. If you are one of those people who are giving a chance to a laser level, then choose DWO88K is the recommended model for you.

DW089K is an expensive model, and I won’t recommend it for people who are using the laser level for the first time in their life, and who want to stay on budget. DW089K is an amazing one for professional and experienced users.


While talking about performance, both models are by Dewalt, and performance is up to the mark, no matter what model you are using. DW088K and DW089K both models are quick, efficient, accurate, and precise in performance even if you are a beginner, you will be satisfied with the work. You simply have to adjust the device in one place as both devices have a mounting bracket.

These models are quite favorites in the market, but beginners and experts usually get confused when it comes to choosing one accordingly. You can simply check the features and buy a suitable model for your work.


If you also want to buy a laser level for other projects and want a guide, then read the Best Layout Tool Reviews LaserLevelHub JxKoW0u, and it will help you in choosing a suitable model. It may happen that a beginner will get confused after viewing so many models on the market, but we recommend you to read the features or specifications of a certain model before deciding to buy it.

You may have to invest in laser level to make your work perfect and accurate, but this device tends to work for years if you are maintaining it properly with all the accessories


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  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely Administrator

    You can also call any of these functions:

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     current_user | username | session_user
     dbadmin      | dbadmin  | dbadmin
    (1 row)
    dbadmin=> CREATE USER jimcarter;
    dbadmin=> \c - jimcarter
    You are now connected as user "jimcarter".
    dbadmin=> SELECT user, username(), session_user();
     current_user | username  | session_user
     jimcarter    | jimcarter | jimcarter
    (1 row)

    Or query the SESSIONS and USER_SESSIONS system tables:

    dbadmin=> SELECT user_name FROM sessions WHERE session_id = current_session();
    (1 row)
    dbadmin=> SELECT user_name FROM user_sessions WHERE session_id = current_session();
    (1 row)

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