How to access LISTAGG or GROUP_CONCAT in Vertica 9.3?
How to install and access LISTAGG or GROUP_CONCAT in Vertica 9.3? I'm under the impression the LISTAGG is standard in 9.2 and the .cpp files were available in 7.1.
=> SELECT VERSION(); VERSION ------------------------------------ Vertica Analytic Database v9.3.1-8 (1 row) => SELECT manufact, LISTAGG(model) FROM test.car_sales GROUP BY manufact; ERROR 3457: Function LISTAGG(varchar) does not exist, or permission is denied for LISTAGG(varchar) HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You may need to add explicit type casts => SELECT manufact, GROUP_CONCAT(model) FROM test.car_sales GROUP BY 1; ERROR 3457: Function GROUP_CONCAT(varchar) does not exist, or permission is denied for GROUP_CONCAT(varchar) HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You may need to add explicit type casts
Best Answer
Ariel_Cary Employee
LISTAGG doesn't need special permissions. PUBLIC has execution privilege. Try running this query to verify the functionality is installed
vsql -f /opt/vertica/packages/VFunctions/ddl/isinstalled.sql
If it's not, you can re-install it with admintools.0
was introduced in 9.1.1-4. Make sure the user you're using has appropriate permissions to access the function. You can try with dbadmin to test and eliminate permission issues (if any).
@Ariel_Cary Thanks! Installing VFunctions worked.
admintools -t install_package -d protobi_db -P VFunctions --force-reinstall -p $DATABASE_PWD