vertica corresponding Management Console - Activity with data collector tables

I'm trying to understand which graph in Management Console - Activity corresponds to which table in the data collector. For example, I'm looking at the graph in Management Console - Activity - Queries. I am filtering in the / opt / vconsole / reports directory for queries and I see a lot of different files:

ls -l |grep queries
-rwxr----- 1 dbadmin verticadba  3032 Jan  3  2020 completed-queries-by-endtime_7.xml
-rwxr----- 1 dbadmin verticadba  3758 Jan  3  2020 completed-queries-by-endtime-eon.xml
-rwxr----- 1 dbadmin verticadba  2674 Jan  3  2020 completed-queries-by-endtime.xml
-rwxr----- 1 dbadmin verticadba   492 Jan  3  2020 overview-queries.view
-rwxr----- 1 dbadmin verticadba  9712 Jan  3  2020 queries_8.xml
-rwxr----- 1 dbadmin verticadba  9974 Jan  3  2020 queries.xml
-rwxr----- 1 dbadmin verticadba  1500 Jan  3  2020 queued-queries.xml
-rwxr----- 1 dbadmin verticadba  4091 Jan  3  2020 rejected-queries-by-endtime_6_1.xml
-rwxr----- 1 dbadmin verticadba  4113 Jan  3  2020 rejected-queries-by-endtime.xml
-rwxr----- 1 dbadmin verticadba  4356 Jan  3  2020 running-queries.xml
-rwxr----- 1 dbadmin verticadba  1590 Jan  3  2020 solutions-queries.view
-rwxr----- 1 dbadmin verticadba  1366 Jan  3  2020 vod-usage-queries.xml
-rwxr----- 1 dbadmin verticadba  6072 Jan  3  2020 workload-critical-completed-queries.xml
-rwxr----- 1 dbadmin verticadba  2019 Jan  3  2020 workload-critical-long-running-queries.xml
-rwxr----- 1 dbadmin verticadba  3395 Jan  3  2020 workload-critical-running-queries.xml

Is it enough for me to look at the tables in the queries.xml file? Or do I need to look in all of these files? Tables are used differently in these files



  • Hi Maks, your understanding is correct, you are looking at the right directory. For MC tab , according to the option selected in the drop-down, MC picks up the appropriate XML to filter the tables and show the output.
    For Management Console - Activity - Queries > I think Vertica version 8 and later verisons use queries.xml and the earlier versions use queries_8.xml

    I guess similarly for others as well where you see a number at the end of the XML file name, they are limited up to that version number. This is my understanding. Hope that helps!

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