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External Table- Improve Performance — Vertica Forum

External Table- Improve Performance

relireli Vertica Customer

I create External Table above s3, I export the command from vsql 'ANALYZE_EXTERNAL_ROW_COUNT'(T), but still, the result comes really slowly :(select only 10 rows)
First fetch (10 rows): 23783.467 ms. All rows formatted: 23784.586 ms
how can I improve the performance?
the files in s3 are parquet and I use hive_partition_cols, by date
Thank you!


  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely - Select Field - Administrator

    Runing ANALYZE_EXTERNAL_ROW_COUNT only helps if joining the table to another table.

    S3 is slow by nature - it's remote.

    What are your expectations?

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