Vertica Export to Parquet - AWS KMS
Hello, can someone please share how to use vertica EXPORT TO PARQUET option against aws s3 but which are kms secured .? Please share if there is any documentation on the same..
Hello, can someone please share how to use vertica EXPORT TO PARQUET option against aws s3 but which are kms secured .? Please share if there is any documentation on the same..
@nandhi Have you tried EXPORT TO PARQUET in s3 with KMS secured and are you getting any error?
If you have not tried yet run a simple example and let us know what error you getting.
You can check the below link for the example and it's should be same for aws S3. Reference Manual|SQL Statements|_____17
Simple example could be something like
dbadmin=> export to parquet(directory='s3://aologun/exportToParquet/') as select * from t;
Rows Exported
(1 row)
Please try and if you get any error let us know and we will work on that.