Dump data of table to files

Hi Experts!
Is there a way to dump the data of the projections into a file?
I cannot use the EXPORT-IMPORT option for many reasons so I was wondering if I can dump the data to a file and import it on another vertica db.
Thanks in advance for all your help
You can use the EXPORT TO PARQUET statement to export a table (or part of one) as Parquet data.
You can export data to HDFS, AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage (GCS), or the local file system.
See: https://www.vertica.com/docs/10.1.x/HTML/Content/Authoring/DataExport/Parquet/ExportingDataParquet.htm
Thanks for your help,
I was actually not looking for an external table.I needed to dump a txt file of the table data.Well I did it with this command:
vsql -U dbadmin -F $'\t' -At -o dumpfile_operators.txt -c "SELECT * FROM operators;"
I have a 80GB file of txt now.. not sure I can load this huge file to my table in my new db.
Do you know if that possible? Does Vertica know how to handle a huge file like this?
Thanks again
Vertica can handle if there are enough available resources.
For load efficiency use the Linux SPLIT command to generate a set of 8 files, each at the size of ~10GB
Try something like: split -b 10G dumpfile_operators.txt
Then use one COPY command with '*' to load all those files into one table.
great thanks! I am working on it and I will update how it went.