Help... ROLLBACK 7976: Add column with default subquery is not supported for unsegmented projection
I have done the same as on this post:
and when I alter the micky table on my db and giving this command:
ADD months_worked INTEGER DEFAULT(SELECT months_worked FROM helper WHERE;
This is what I get:
ROLLBACK 7976: Add column with default subquery is not supported for unsegmented projections
DETAIL: Projection "spins_DBD_15_rep_test_ittai_3" is unsegmented and is either super projection or specified in the projection list
how can I workaround that?
I am working on Vertica 9.3 version.
Please help me!
Can you share us with the export objects of the table mickey?
@kfruchtman - This is a bug. I opened a Jira to get it fixed and will update this thread with the hotfix when it is avaiable.
Note that you can use SET USING...
Although not ideal, you can also just have segemented projections (for now) on the anchor table mickey...
That is a superb workaround!
Can I ask you another question? is there a way to automate this whole procedure? lets say table micky was updated from an outside source without the new column populated and everyday I need to update the helper table and then update the micky with the new value for the new column.Is it possible somehow?
many thanks