how to implement cursor functionality in vertica
i want to loop through all the tables for a schema and do some operation on them like using a CTE to find the the count of duplicates in each table .
i want to loop through all the tables for a schema and do some operation on them like using a CTE to find the the count of duplicates in each table .
i have also used while loop and a temporary table in SQL Server,but loops are also not supported in vertica
You're faster when you avoid loops. Use SQL generating SQL. Like so, to count all rows in all tables in schema
:The output you get, you can put into a file, and execute that file as a script.
Using SQL will save time and resources; using loops will not give such a result. In urgent need, I use the service to find a cash loan to pay for important services.
In all cases, you can still use any programming language and connect to Vertica. You can then use "loops" if you want to.