vertica error "The [TimeSeriesModel] [tag] in [PMML] is not supported yet"

Can someone from vertica dev team confirm that importing time series model PMML not support yet? I got following error message when try to import arima model (export from statsmodels) to vertica.
dbadmin=> SELECT import_models('/tmp/pmml' USING PARAMETERS category='PMML');
ERROR 9450: Failed to import model(s): Failed to import single model: Error in importPMMLFile: Error calling setup() in User Function pmml_parser at [src/Pmml/PmmlParser.cpp:194], error code: 0, message: Error in parsing: The [TimeSeriesModel] [tag] in [PMML] is not supported yet
@pinghao Yes it is support. but we support only limited number of tags. Error you are receiving is expected because we dont support TimeSeriesModel tag yet. For more information, please review the below link