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vertica error "The [TimeSeriesModel] [tag] in [PMML] is not supported yet" — Vertica Forum

vertica error "The [TimeSeriesModel] [tag] in [PMML] is not supported yet"

pinghaopinghao Vertica Customer


Can someone from vertica dev team confirm that importing time series model PMML not support yet? I got following error message when try to import arima model (export from statsmodels) to vertica.

dbadmin=> SELECT import_models('/tmp/pmml' USING PARAMETERS category='PMML');
ERROR 9450: Failed to import model(s): Failed to import single model: Error in importPMMLFile: Error calling setup() in User Function pmml_parser at [src/Pmml/PmmlParser.cpp:194], error code: 0, message: Error in parsing: The [TimeSeriesModel] [tag] in [PMML] is not supported yet


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