I can't convert archer(128) to varchar(64)

i try to convert varchar(128) to varchar(64), but i get error "Cannot convert column "test" to type "varchar(64)""
I don't understand why?
I check table:
select length(test), count(*) from etl.test
where length(test) > 64
group by 1
order by 1 desc;
result - null
what could be the problem?
Best Answer
LenoyJ - Select Field - Employee
@Jim_Knicely is hinting at why you're likely facing the error. In Vertica, VARCHAR(x) means up to x bytes. So you need to be using
instead ofLENGTH()
to compare..Quick example using the € symbol:
The length of € is 1, but its octet length is 3. We need 3 bytes to store one of €.
dbadmin=> select LENGTH('€'); LENGTH -------- 1 (1 row) dbadmin=> select OCTET_LENGTH('€'); OCTET_LENGTH -------------- 3 (1 row)
Let's create a table to show the error you got. Creating a table with a varchar of 3 bytes that can store €.
dbadmin=> create table test(symbol varchar(3)) unsegmented all nodes; CREATE TABLE
Inserting € to the table.
dbadmin=> COPY test FROM STDIN; Enter data to be copied followed by a newline. End with a backslash and a period on a line by itself. € \. dbadmin=> select symbol from test; symbol -------- € (1 row)
Trying to change varchar size from 3 bytes to 1 byte and you hit the error you got.
dbadmin=> alter table test alter column symbol set data type varchar(1); ROLLBACK 2378: Cannot convert column "symbol" to type "varchar(1)" HINT: Verify that the data in the column conforms to the new type
So, use OCTET_LENGTH() to compare.
Can you share the exact error? It's likely a constraint violation, e.g.:
=> alter table bryanh.colsize alter column v1 set data type varchar(64);
ROLLBACK 2353: Cannot alter type of column "v1" since it is referenced in the segmentation expression of projection "colsize_b0"
bi=> alter table etl.test alter column request_var SET DATA TYPE varchar(64);
ROLLBACK 2378: Cannot convert column "request_var" to type "varchar(64)"
HINT: Verify that the data in the column conforms to the new type
bi=> select date_time::date, count(*) from etl.test
bi-> where length(request_var) > 64
bi-> group by 1
bi-> order by 1 desc;
date_time | count
(0 rows)
What is the current data type of request_var?
Can you run this?
SELECT MAX(octet_length(request_va)), MAX(length(request_va)) FROM etl.test;
@Jim_Knicely and @ LenoyJ thanks you very much!
The request_var is now of type varchar(128)