Are VER-58168 and VER-57752 fixed?

We are using 9.0.1-8 and seems like hitting below like bugs. Are these fixed in vertica 10?
Because i cannot find any details in release notes?
VER-58168 Recovery Known issues Vertica 9.3
A transaction that started before a node began recovery is referred to as a dirty transaction in the context of recovery. A recovering node must wait for or cancel such a transaction in order to recover tables modified by the transaction. In some rare instances such transactions may be hung and can not be canceled. Tables locked by such a transaction can not be recovered and therefore a recovering node can not transition to 'UP'.
VER-57752 Recovery (Know issue in Vertica 9.0.x)
If all partitions are moved from a table while a node is down and then a new projection is created on that table, the epoch for the new projection will be more recent than the epoch for the MOVE PARTITION event. In that rare case, the down node fails to recover. This problem also occurs if, when the node is down, Vertica swaps out all partitions, but no partitions have been swapped in.
Thanks @mosheg opening a support case.
Just one last question is 9.0SP1 is a later release to 9.0.1-8?