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vsql exit status for "No such file or directory" — Vertica Forum

vsql exit status for "No such file or directory"

Please add non zero exit status for vsql if specified file is not exists

$ vsql -f nonexisting.sql && echo OK || echo FAIL
nonexisting.sql: No such file or directory

Same problem with included files

$ vsql -a -f error.sql && echo OK || echo FAIL
\i nonexisting.sql
vsql:error.sql:2: nonexisting.sql: No such file or directory
select 2;
(1 row)


vsql continues execution without stopping


  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely - Select Field - Administrator

    Maybe check if the file exists prior to running vsql?


    [dbadmin@localhost ~]$ FILE=/home/dbadmin/run_me.sql
    [dbadmin@localhost ~]$ ll $FILE
    ls: cannot access '/home/dbadmin/run_me.sql': No such file or directory
    [dbadmin@localhost ~]$ [ -f $FILE ] && vsql -f $FILE || echo "$FILE does not exist."
    /home/dbadmin/run_me.sql does not exist.
    [dbadmin@localhost ~]$ echo "SELECT 1 AS some_column;" > $FILE
    [dbadmin@localhost ~]$ [ -f $FILE ] && vsql -f $FILE || echo "$FILE does not exist."
    (1 row)
  • Maybe check if the file exists prior to running vsql?

    1. We do that. But this is workaround. And such trick didn't saves us if file became unavailable after check and before vsql starts.
    2. What about included files? Same problem. We do another check via parsing of output. But this is weird.
      Process must return correct exit code. All programs do that.
  • Sorry for some toxic in my opinion )
    I like your product. You made a lot of cool things in Vertica DB.
    Thanks for support and continuous development!

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