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Need a match function for Vertica SQL - Page 2 — Vertica Forum

Need a match function for Vertica SQL



  • slc1axjslc1axj Vertica Customer
    edited June 2021

    ok figured that out by removing the last line of code above but still looking how to bring in other columns from T2

  • slc1axjslc1axj Vertica Customer

    Service Code #1628 is in T1; however, it's flagging it as a N - so maybe this isn't working...

    1628,1640 Y
    1628,1640 N
    1628 Y
    1628 Y
    1628 Y
    1628 Y
    1628 Y
    1628 Y
    1628 Y
    1628,1629,1640 Y
    1628,1629,1640 N
    1628,1629,1640 N

  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely - Select Field - Administrator
    edited June 2021

    You need the LIMIT to eliminate the rows:

    1628,1640 N
    1628,1629,1640 N
    1628,1629,1640 N

  • slc1axjslc1axj Vertica Customer

    ok - my neck is now stinging after 2 days of trying to get this to work but I can't do the Like or if like or if like 280 times. Can you help me write the query that will bring in all records from T2 with the match column at the end that tells me whether or not there is a 'service code' within that field that matches to a SERVICECODE in T1? I need all rows pulled from T2.

  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely - Select Field - Administrator
    edited June 2021

    How discrete are the codes?

    For example, will there be a chance where there is this sequence of codes:


    And in the table that has the code list there is a code 45?

    If not, I was speaking to a colleague who suggesteds something like this:

    verticademos=> SELECT * FROM t1;
    (3 rows)
    verticademos=> SELECT * FROM t2;
    (3 rows)
    verticademos=> SELECT t2.c, MAX(CASE WHEN INSTR(t2.c, t1.c) >= 1 THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END) "Match" FROM t2 CROSS JOIN t1 GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1;
                 c              | Match
     12345,678910,11121314      | Y
     123456,522122,345644       | Y
     127361323,12123119,2873233 | N
    (3 rows)

    But if your codes are NOT discrete enough, you could get false positives.


    verticademos=> INSERT INTO t1 SELECT 1;
    (1 row)
    verticademos=> SELECT t2.c, MAX(CASE WHEN INSTR(t2.c, t1.c) >= 1 THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END) "Match" FROM t2 CROSS JOIN t1 GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1;
                 c              | Match
     12345,678910,11121314      | Y
     123456,522122,345644       | Y
     127361323,12123119,2873233 | Y
    (3 rows)

    That last one is now incorrect!

  • slc1axjslc1axj Vertica Customer

    the codes from T1 are mutually exclusive - codes in both tables are 4 characters long. The only difference is T2 contains multiple codes divided by a comma and T1 has just a list of codes with only 1 code per row.

  • slc1axjslc1axj Vertica Customer

    By re-writing your query, the results that come up show mutually exclusive service codes on the left with a Y/N on right but I need the query to pull all columns from T2

  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely - Select Field - Administrator

    Table T2 is just my example. It has one column. If yours has more, just do this:

    SELECT t2.*, MAX(CASE WHEN INSTR(t2.c, t1.c) >= 1 THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END) "Match" FROM t2 CROSS JOIN t1 GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1;

  • slc1axjslc1axj Vertica Customer

    SQL Error [2640] [42803]: [Vertica]VJDBC ERROR: Column "o.plan pick" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function

  • slc1axjslc1axj Vertica Customer

    it may want all my column names in the Group by?

  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely - Select Field - Administrator
    edited June 2021


    SELECT t2.*, MAX(CASE WHEN INSTR(t2.c, t1.c) >= 1 THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END) "Match" FROM t2 CROSS JOIN t1 GROUP BY col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, etc ORDER BY col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, etc;

    List all of the columns!

  • slc1axjslc1axj Vertica Customer

    We may have got it - validating:)

  • slc1axjslc1axj Vertica Customer


  • slc1axjslc1axj Vertica Customer

    So now I'm having to put 2 crossjoin queries into the query. When you run them separately, they are both pretty fast. However, when these are both in the same query, they are taking a tremendous amount of time (over 35 minutes) in the large query. The quick queries are shown below:

    --Life Sustaining
    select o.'intake id',
    o.'service code',
    o.'service category',
    MAX(CASE WHEN INSTR(o.'service code', l.SERVICECODE) >= 1 THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END) "Life Sustaining"
    from wfmgmt_prd.open_report_hourly o
    CROSS JOIN WFMGMT_PRD.map_hcpc_lifesustain l
    where "Report Interval" = '2021-06-25 12:00:00'
    and o."queue type" = 'Provider Staffing'
    Group by o.'intake id',o.'service code',o.'service category';

    select o.'intake id',
    o.'provider hcpc/revenue code',
    o.'zip code',
    MAX(CASE WHEN INSTR(o.'provider hcpc/revenue code', a.HCPC) >= 1 and o.'zip code'= a.zip THEN a.provider ELSE 'N' END) "Auto-Provider"
    from wfmgmt_prd.open_report_hourly o
    CROSS JOIN WFMGMT_PRD.map_auto_provider a
    where "Report Interval" = '2021-06-25 12:00:00'
    and o."queue type" = 'Provider Staffing'
    Group by o.'intake id',o.'provider hcpc/revenue code',o.'zip code';

    select o.'intake id',
    o.'provider hcpc/revenue code',
    o.'zip code',
    o.'service code',
    o.'service category',
    MAX(CASE WHEN INSTR(o.'service code', l.SERVICECODE) >= 1 THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END) "Life Sustaining",
    MAX(CASE WHEN INSTR(o.'provider hcpc/revenue code', a.HCPC) >= 1 and o.'zip code'= a.zip THEN a.provider ELSE 'N' END) "Auto-Provider"
    from wfmgmt_prd.open_report_hourly o
    CROSS JOIN WFMGMT_PRD.map_hcpc_lifesustain l
    CROSS JOIN WFMGMT_PRD.map_auto_provider a
    where "Report Interval" = '2021-06-25 12:00:00'
    and o."queue type" = 'Provider Staffing'
    Group by o.'intake id',o.'provider hcpc/revenue code',o.'zip code',o.'service code',o.'service category';

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