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setting up Eon Mode on premisses — Vertica Forum

setting up Eon Mode on premisses

HadyZiadeHadyZiade Vertica Customer

we are trying to set it up on premises but we don’t have any of the listed storage, we are using a SAN storage (HP number all SSD’s) and we need to try creating the different subclusters and play with the environment for operation testing.

setting up Eon Mode on such storage is ok ?



  • moshegmosheg Vertica Employee Administrator
    edited June 2021

    In addition to the Vertica primary and secondary cluster nodes, if you have few dedicated servers with enough storage to hold your Database size you can use MinIO as a communal storage location for Eon Mode.
    See: https://www.vertica.com/docs/10.1.x/HTML/Content/Authoring/InstallationGuide/EonOnPrem/InstallingEonOnPremiseWithMinio.htm

  • The communal storage location can be on-premise, but it needs to be an object store. As Moshe mentioned, MinIO is one option, but Vertica supports several, including Pure Storage, Scality, Dell ECS and others. Sounds like your HP SAN array might be a file-store, which won't work.

    This kind of thing might require you to reach out to your Vertica rep, and we can better engage with you to help you build a solution here.

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