Vertica to Snowflake migration

Hi team,

I am trying out a POC of Vertica to Snowflake migration. Do we have a migration plan for that already. I see in Snowflake documentation couple of migration guides for Teradata/Oracle etc. Will be grateful if I could get any help

Prabou Doure


  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely Administrator

    Here is an image showing how to migrate from Vertica to Snowflake!

    Just kidding!!!

    But I believe you might be barking up the wrong tree on this forum if asking for a "Vertica to Snowflake migration" tool! :wink:

  • Thank you Jim, I really dont want a Vertica to Snowflake migration tool and I know it eventually doesnt exist. I will figure it out how to do that. Thanks again.

    Prabou Doure

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