Resource Pool

Vertica Customer

Hi Team,

I'm trying to find if there is way we can get the details of Resource pool usage as below?

1) Number of queries run each hour in the pool over a 7 day span
2) Min, Max and average memory usage each of those hours per pool
3) Min, Max and average query duration each hour per pool



  • Vertica Employee Administrator

    Try this:

        time_slice(qr.start_timestamp, 1, 'hour','start') ,
        upper(regexp_substr(qr.request, '\w+')::char(8)) as qtype,
        qr.request_type ,
        ra.pool_name ,
        min(qr.request_duration_ms) as min_ms,
        max(qr.request_duration_ms) as max_ms,
        avg(qr.request_duration_ms)::int as avg_ms,
        min(qr.memory_acquired_mb) as min_mb,
        max(qr.memory_acquired_mb) as max_mb,
        avg(qr.memory_acquired_mb)::int as avg_mb
        v_monitor.query_requests qr
        left outer join v_monitor.resource_acquisitions ra
        on qr.statement_id = ra.statement_id and
           qr.transaction_id = ra.transaction_id
        qr.is_executing is false and
        (sysdate() - qr.start_timestamp) < '7 days'
    group by
        1, 2, 3, 4
    order by
        1, 2, 3
  • Vertica Customer
    edited July 2021

    Thanks @mosheg

    Most of the pool_name I a get NULL value. Any ideas?

  • Vertica Employee Administrator

    To monitor only "QUERY" request types try this:

        time_slice(qr.start_timestamp, 1, 'hour','start') ,
        upper(regexp_substr(qr.request, '\w+')::char(8)) as qtype,
        qr.request_type ,
        ra.pool_name ,
        min(qr.request_duration_ms) as min_ms,
        max(qr.request_duration_ms) as max_ms,
        avg(qr.request_duration_ms)::int as avg_ms,
        min(qr.memory_acquired_mb) as min_mb,
        max(qr.memory_acquired_mb) as max_mb,
        avg(qr.memory_acquired_mb)::int as avg_mb
        v_monitor.query_requests qr
        left outer join v_monitor.resource_acquisitions ra
        on qr.statement_id = ra.statement_id and
           qr.transaction_id = ra.transaction_id
        qr.is_executing is false and
        qr.request_type = 'QUERY' and
        (sysdate() - qr.start_timestamp) < '7 days'
    group by
        1, 2, 3, 4
    order by
        1, 2, 3

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