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Query Progress — Vertica Forum

Query Progress

RockyRocky Vertica Customer

Hi Team,

Is there a way we can find if the query which is active for so long is progressing at all or not?

We see some sessions/queries active in the query_requests/sessions but not really sure if they are moving or just a stale connection which is stuck to close the session.

Do we have any easier way to find if the query is moving or not?


  • Bryan_HBryan_H Vertica Employee Administrator

    There are a few system tables you could check based on transaction ID and statement ID, for example:
    resource_acquisitions (getting new resources?)
    resource_queues (waiting for resources?)
    execution_engine_profiles (what is it doing now?)
    vs_plan_activities,vs_plan_activity_details (like EE profiles but finer-grained)

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