Can't install Vertica 7.x on Linux Mint 20.2 - Your operating system is not supported

edited August 2021 in General Discussion


I has file vertica-7.2.3-22.x86_64.rpm and I success installed it on CentOS 7.

But I also need install Vertica 7.2 to the Linux Mint 20.2.

So my steps:
1. Convert rpm to deb like this:
sudo alien vertica-7.2.3-22.x86_64.rpm --scripts

As result I got vertica-7.2.3-22.x86_64.deb. Nice

  1. Try to install deb on Linux Mint 20.2 like this:

    sudo dpkg -i vertica-7.2.3-22.x86_64.deb

but I get error:

(Reading database ... 375930 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack vertica_7.2.3-23_amd64.deb ...
ERROR: Your operating system is not supported.
dpkg: error processing archive vertica_7.2.3-23_amd64.deb (--install):
new vertica package pre-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1
Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.31-0ubuntu9.2) ...
Errors were encountered while processing:

So the question is: How I can install Vertica 7.x to the Linux Mint 20.2 ?


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