Vertica installation on AWS failed

Hi team,
We are exploring the Vertica on AWS using the market place and encounter below exception, could you please help to understand how to resolve it.

The following resource(s) failed to create: [VerticaDatabaseWaitCondition]. Rollback requested by user.]

WaitCondition received failed message: 'Vertica Database creation failed: 2021-08-23 08:17:24.013 at_exec/7282:0x7f723ef73740 [prepare_database._mkdir_impl] Creating directory using function 'makedirs' '/vertica/data/verticadb/v_verticadb_node0001_catalog' perms '700' ignores 'IgnoreOSErrors: ignoring ()' 2021-08-23 08:17:24.014 at_exec/7282:0x7f723ef73740 [prepare_database._mkdir_impl] Creating directory using function 'mkdir' '/vertica/data/verticadb/procedures' perms '700' ignores 'IgnoreOSErrors: ignoring (EEXIST)' 2021-08-23 08:17:24.014 at_exec/7282:0x7f723ef73740 [prepare_database._mkdir_impl] Creating directory using function 'makedirs' '/vertica/data/verticadb/v_verticadb_node0001_depot' perms '700' ignores 'IgnoreOSErrors: ignoring (EEXIST)' 2021-08-23 08:17:27.892 admintools/7202:0x7fca73722740 [commandLineCtrl._createDB_processResult] Error: Bootstrap on host return code 1 stdout '' stderr 'Communal location [s3://erm-on-aws-001/databases/verticadb/] is not

Best Answer

  • bckohbckoh Employee
    Answer ✓

    @shelendra are you setting up Vertica Eon using cloud formation template? For s3 Communal Storage, S3 bucket must exist and owned by user in the same region as Vertica Cluster Instance(s). The communal storage path must not exist

    The s3://erm-on-aws-001/databases/verticadb/ existed before running the template will cause an error as the folder is not empty. It cannot shares with existing folder in the s3 communal storage.

    For example having this bucket s3://erm-on-aws-001, when entering the in the Communal Storage field, key in s3://erm-on-aws-001/test. The "test" does not exist in the bucket.

    Screenshot 2021-08-25 at 10.35.32 AM

    You can still access the AWS log by searching the stack name under cloud formation.

    Cloudformation -> stack details (left side) -> select the stack name you created (with rollback complete) -> click Events


  • SruthiASruthiA Administrator

    @shelendra : Is stack creation failing in AWS? What is the template you are using?

  • Hi Sruti,
    From the AWS console I can see that stack was created but while creating the DB we encounter the error.
    I am using the template that is provided on the AWS marketplace (Vertica Free Community Edition)

    Link for the AWS Vertica Template.

  • SruthiASruthiA Administrator

    Could you please open a support case? It looks like this issue requires webex.

  • Hi Sruti,

    I do not have Support Agreement ID, hence I can not open a support case.
    Can you please help me without the Support case?


  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely Administrator

    @shelendra - What is the actual error? Looks like the original error message posted was cut off at the end:

    Error: Bootstrap on host return code 1 stdout '' stderr 'Communal location [s3://erm-on-aws-001/databases/verticadb/] is not...

    Is not what? :smile:

  • Hi Jim,
    This is the maximum message that is provided in the AWS console. As after the failure whole process is rolled back we are unable to access the vertica log.

  • Hi Thanks for the help, it was really an issue with the objects on S3 bucket.
    After removing those objects installation went ahead and we are able to access MC now.

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