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Why is this message "Mergeout failed: storage containers have been dropped/moved" occured? — Vertica Forum

Why is this message "Mergeout failed: storage containers have been dropped/moved" occured?

HyeontaeJuHyeontaeJu Vertica Customer
edited October 2021 in General Discussion

Why is this message "Mergeout failed: storage containers have been dropped/moved" occured?
When i execute query

SELECT event_timestamp, user_name, message FROM error_messages ORDER BY event_timestamp DESC; 

This message is occured when i execute process that is using KafkaExport function periodically


  • HibikiHibiki Vertica Employee Employee

    Please open a new support ticket at the support portal (https://portal.microfocus.com/) with detailed information like the log files and the steps you have run. If you are a CE user, please provide more detailed information here.

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