EON mode - is it quorum based?

cweisscweiss Vertica Customer

On AWS I would like to use S3 for storage, reading thru the doc - EON mode will support that. However EON mode doc talks about a cluster and recommends a minimum of 3 nodes. Is that a recommendation or a requirement? Can I just have a 1 node EON deployment pointing to S3 for storage?
Why? : well for one this is a 'test' database and has a LOT of data and given EBS pricing things add up quickly!


  • SruthiASruthiA Vertica Employee Administrator

    @cweiss : Yes, you can have one node deployment. However if one node goes down entire cluster goes down. If you create cluster with 3 nodes you will have High Availibility and cluster can still run with 2 nodes, if one node is down.

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