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2 entries for same insert stmt in query_request table — Vertica Forum

2 entries for same insert stmt in query_request table

SathyaSathya Vertica Customer

I see that some of the queries are shown twice in the query_requests table (exactly same stmt.) and both have the success as true.
Was it executed twice or just the entry in the query_requests table ,if so why ?


  • moshegmosheg Vertica Employee Administrator

    The combination of TRANSACTION_ID, STATEMENT_ID, and REQUEST_ID uniquely identifies a statement within a session.
    Can you share those values and the node_name?

  • SathyaSathya Vertica Customer

    Here are the details

  • SathyaSathya Vertica Customer

    Since the request ids are different does that mean the same statement is being executed twice ?

  • moshegmosheg Vertica Employee Administrator

    Since you have SET SESSION AUTOCOMMIT TO on;
    The STATEMENT_ID is not incremented.
    The incremented REQUEST_ID shows it is probably a different INSERT request.

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