Need to start sending out daily reports, need guidance on which route to pursue

edited November 2021 in General Discussion

We have recently gotten to the point in our company where we need to start sending out daily financial and operational reports to separate teams. I have just been taking screenshots of the updated dashboards and sending it out to the desired departments. However, as you guys know that only provides the surface level details without the ability to drill down further.

My question is, if we were to provide select users with a license to drill further into these reports, what license would be our best option? Would l just upload these daily reports to Tableau Server and that's where the team would view the dashboards?

A lot of basic fundamental questions so I appreciate any all help on cinema hd. The end goal would be to automate scrapping the data via Python (or something similar) however that's the next project after we can identify a central place for these reports to live.


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