Combining multiple S3EXPORT calls into a single call

edited December 2021 in General Discussion

I need to export a different set of columns from the same query to different locations on S3 without running the query multiple times.

  1. SELECT S3EXPORT(col1, col2 USING PARAMETERS url = 'url-1') OVER () FROM (something-fixed)
  2. SELECT S3EXPORT(col3, col4 USING PARAMETERS url = 'url-2') OVER () FROM (something-fixed)
  3. SELECT S3EXPORT(col5, col6 USING PARAMETERS url = 'url-3') OVER () FROM (something-fixed)
  4. SELECT S3EXPORT(col7, col8 USING PARAMETERS url = 'url-4') OVER () FROM (something-fixed)

where "something-fixed" is the same query for all four and is highly complex.

Can I combine all 4 of the above queries into one query somehow so that the "something-fixed" doesn't have to be re-computed four times?

Best Answer

  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely Administrator
    edited December 2021 Answer ✓

    Maybe a temp table?

    CREATE TEMP TABLE something_fixed_temp ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS AS SELECT * FROM something-fixed;
    SELECT S3EXPORT(col1, col2 USING PARAMETERS url = 'url-1') OVER () FROM something_fixed_temp;
    SELECT S3EXPORT(col3, col4 USING PARAMETERS url = 'url-2') OVER () FROM something_fixed_temp;
    SELECT S3EXPORT(col5, col6 USING PARAMETERS url = 'url-3') OVER () FROM something_fixed_temp;
    SELECT S3EXPORT(col7, col8 USING PARAMETERS url = 'url-4') OVER () FROM something_fixed_temp;
    DROP TABLE something_fixed_temp;

    For future reference, S3EXPORT is deprecated in Vertica 11, and replaced with the EXPORT TO DELIMITED feature!


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