Cannot proceed from deploying the design

Thank you for all your help.

In MC, I performed the following tasks.

  • create a new design with an arbitrary name and deploy it
  • delete the design after deploy is complete
  • Create a new design with the same name as the deleted design and deploy it.

The status remains "Deploying" and does not proceed when the above item 3 is executed.
I left it for a few days, but the status did not change, and I am aware that some kind of problem has occurred.
Is there anyone who has encountered a similar problem?

If you know how to solve this problem, please let me know.

Thank you very much.

Best Answer


  • Dear SruthiA

    Thank you for your answer.

    I now understand that I have stepped on a known bug.
    I would like to delete a design that is in the process of being deployed and no longer progressing, can I use the following command to delete it?

    SELECT DESIGNER_DROP_DESIGN ('<design name>');
  • SruthiASruthiA Administrator

    The design is already deployed.. it is just that status is not reflecting. please check the table designs and see if the new design is is in place. If you want to drop the design, then the query you are using is correct.

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