JDBC 11.0.2 issue


I am trying to connect using DBeaver on an m1 mac. Connection is failing the index out of bounds error. Please see link here describing the issue I am having.

Thank you.



  • Bryan_HBryan_H Vertica Employee Administrator

    Hi, I've sent this on to the client drivers team, but it would help us if you are a current customer if you also opened a support case and submitted a stack trace if available.

  • Bryan_HBryan_H Vertica Employee Administrator

    Some builds of OpenJDK report "17" rather than "17.0" as the java.version. We've filed a bug to fix the pattern match, but for now, the workaround is to update to a patch version with a decimal notation, e.g. 17.0.1 or (current brew) 17.0.2 and switch to this runtime version for your application.

  • edited February 2022

    Hi @pmcatee ,

    Can you please share which version of DBeaver you are using?

    Have you added Vertica 11.0.2 JDBC Jar file in Vertica Connection Settings(Edit Driver settings->Libraries->Add file) while creating a connection to Vertica? If not, please add.


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